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Oregon Cries Wolf
The Oregon house recently voted to pass HB 2458, which revises the state's endangered species act. The proposed changes would make it easier to remove species from the endangered or threatened status, and easier to "take" (i.e., kill) endangered species. The bill would allow species to be delisted if they are "not of cultural, scientific, or commercial significance" to the state, or if the species is "secure" outside the state. These criteria sidestep the existing scientific process for listing and delisting species. How do you determine if a species is of cultural, scientific, or commercial significance? And, who gets to make that decision? Under this language, politically unpopular species could be left unprotected, regardless of what the science says. While proponents claim this is just a "streamlining" of the act, environmentalists say it is directly targeted at the Grey wolf. Oregon does not currently have a wolf population, but several have crossed over from Idaho, and more could come at any time. Another clause in the bill that seems targeted at wolves allows the "taking" of an endangered species without a permit if that species causes agricultural damage. While wolves that attack livestock need to be dealt with, there are multiple ways to do this without killing them. The listing and delisting of species under state endangered species acts should not be a political popularity conference; it should be based on science. HB 2458 weakens Oregon's endangered species act and should be opposed. For more information about state endangered species acts, visit: For more information about how states are dealing with wolf populations, visit:

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