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Nevada Attempts to Privatize Water
Another attempt to privatize water supplies in this country is moving through the Nevada legislature. SB487, introduced in March 2003, has rapidly passed through the Senate and through the Assembly's committee on Government Affairs. The bill seeks to allow counties with a population under 400,000 to enter into contract with a private corporation or other entity that will pay for the acquisition, development and distribution of the county's water resources. Therefore the public water resources of all counties except Clark County, home to the ever growing Las Vegas metropolitan area, could be privatized for a profit. The individuals deciding this are the elected board commissioners of the county. The bill does not contain any stipulations for any public meetings that would detail the facts of the sale. The sponsors of the bill contend it is necessary to allow counties to do this in order to provide for their economic, health, safety, and general welfare. One agreement between Lincoln County and Vilder Water Company already exists. Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie said she opposes the bill because it, "would allow agreements like one already made between Lincoln County and Vidler Water Co. to split profits from water sales to the fast-growing Las Vegas area." SB487 would also go against the state's 150 year old laws guaranteeing that water is a public resource not a private one. This bill clearly has been designed to acquire profits for a few individuals and to support the wasteful habits of corporate lobbyists while pitting less populated counties against one metropolitan area. Water is a precious public resource and should not be sold to the highest bidder.

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