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Biodiesel blends can be used in any internal combustion diesel engine with no special modifications or extra machinery.
Clean Power
Most Americans think of electricity as “clean” and are shocked to learn that power plants are the single worst industrial contributor to air pollution in the United States.
Energy Efficiency Standards
If over the next 15 years, Americans bought only energy-efficient products, we would shrink our energy bills by more than $100 billion and eliminate as much greenhouse gas pollution as is produced by 17 million cars for each of those 15 years.
Environmental Disclosure Laws
Environmental disclosure laws are one effective tool for educating the public and spurring demand for renewable energy sources by encouraging more sound and informed decision-making by electricity consumers.
Green Building
Our demand on natural and finite resources such as energy, water, and building materials can be reduced and our contribution to environmental quality enhanced by incorporating green building principals into the design, construction, and renovation of buildings.
Mercury Reduction
Thousands of Americans unnecessarily expose themselves and others to mercury.
Net Metering
Net metering is a special metering and billing agreement between utilities and their customers that facilitates the connection of small renewable energy generating systems to the power grid.
RPS Renewable Energy
A Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) ensures that a minimum amount of renewable energy is included in the portfolio of the electricity resources serving a state.
Renewable Energy Incentives
The goal of tax incentives for renewable energy programs should be to create positive incentives to avoid taxation, and to create disincentives for pollution and other forms of environmental degradation.
Sustainable Biomass
Biomass is one of America’s most promising renewable energy resources.  Organic materials such as grasses, weeds, and other quick-growing plants can be converted into electricity or clean-burning fuels in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way.

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State Environmental Resource Center
Madison, Wisconsin